Summer Learning. Anytime Enrichment. Homeschool. Support for Strugglers

Home is where the learning is. CLICK the boxes below to find the resources you need.

Parents are Teachers

Parents are teachers.

We help our children with their homework. We teach them their colors and letters. When our children struggle in school, we search for ways to help them. Summer vacation finds us engaged in learning fun or catching up activities. Any time is a great time for enriching activities to help our children grow.

I CAN LEARN AT HOME offers support to parents as they help their children learn at home.

Every home is a university and the parents are the teachers.

-Mahatma Gandhi 

Parents teach in the toughest school in the world – the School for Making People. You are the board of education, the principal, the classroom teacher, and the janitor.

-Virginia Satir

About Our Team

I CAN LEARN AT HOME offers a collection of resources and blog posts designed to support parents as they help their children grow and learn.

Our team is made up of experienced teachers who have created resources for parents in a variety of subject areas.

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From the Blog